A simple solution to world peace
Transcending seems to have so many profound benefits that it sounds almost too good to be true. Less stress, better health, full brain development, more self confidence etc. It just sounds improbable that a simple relaxation technique could create all these effects.
This new website explores in more detail how transcending is really an experience of coming in contact with a field of consciousness that connects all of us, and how this experience creates a ripple effect, influencing thoughts and behaviour of others around us in a more positive way. If enough people do this, it could even be a technology to create peace in the world.
Apprenez la Méditation Transcendantale à Espace MT
Chemin des Croisettes 26, (1st floor), 1066, Lausanne (Epalinges) Cliquez ici pour voir la carte
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Professeur(s) de MT

Adrian Ionescu
+41 79 625 57 26
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