Weight Loss, Lifestyle and Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation (TM) naturally reduces stress and increases self-confidence and happiness. This helps people to more easily adopt a healthier lifestyle and lose weight.
1. Video: Top Model Raquel Zimmermann talks about positive lifestyle changes and TM
2. Weight loss and TM, by Dr. Chaudhary
3. Natural reduction in cholesterol and TM
1. Video: Top Model Raquel Zimmermann talks about positive lifestyle changes and TM
Watch this short 2 minute video and hear supermodel Raquel Zimmermann share her experience on lifestyle, smoking and meditation. She comments, “Transcendental Meditation changed my whole lifestyle, in a year”.
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2. Weight loss and TM, by Dr. Chaudhary
When asked how TM can help to lose weight, Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary, Medical Director of Wellspring Endocrinology at Scripps Memorial Hospital comments: “Many people have problems controlling hunger and appetite, and science explains that there are hormonal reasons for this. The secretion of many of these hormones is directly affected by stress. Under stress one loses the natural intuition of knowing what the body does need and does not need. The Transcendental Meditation technique allows people to develop a state of mental and physical balance, where one naturally begins craving the foods that the body needs.”
3. Natural reduction in cholesterol and TM
This scientific research study (Journal of Human Stress 5: 24-27, 1979) concluded that people with high cholesterol practising Transcendental Meditation showed a significant reduction in cholesterol levels when compared to a control group who received education around the need to change their eating habits and lifestyle.
Christophe Sempels, a TM practitioner from Belgium, comments: “I started with TM to help control my stress, and not at all with the intention to reduce my cholesterol. However, after one-and-a-half months of TM practice my LDL cholesterol had spontaneously reduced from 175 to 159, and overall from 230 to 214. My doctor was so impressed that he asked if I had made any changes to my eating habits, or had started working out, but that was not the case, it was all TM.”
Apprenez la Méditation Transcendantale à Espace MT
Chemin des Croisettes 26, (1st floor), 1066, Lausanne (Epalinges) Cliquez ici pour voir la carte
Les conférences d'introduction à la MT sont gratuites mais le nombre de places est limité. Inscrivez-vous ci-dessous.
Professeur(s) de MT

Adrian Ionescu
+41 79 625 57 26
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